Preparing the right people, to be in the right place, at the right time.
Preparing the right people, to be in the right place, at the right time.
Adison advisors work with your organization to define the talent your organization will need for future success. Role profiles define the behaviors, experiences, capacities, and core motivation needed to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the markets in which our clients operate.
We do not limit succession to simply focus on future enterprise leaders. While an important population, we need to ensure that succession for critical knowledge roles and roles instrumental to an organization’s core capabilities are also considered. We look to identify and support game-changing capabilities from anywhere within a company.
We create a scalable process that focuses on the skill and will of managers to play a key role in identifying and developing successors deep within the organization when development opportunities are abundant, necessary, and easier to broker.
We work closely with our clients to develop a common language for assessing and developing talent. This common language promotes open discussion and transparency throughout the succession and development process.
Most organizations view succession as an assessment exercise. They spend a disproportionate amount of time evaluating and discussing talent to arrive at some type of rating only to be filed away and not revisited for another twelve months.
While well-intended, this exercise does very little to build the bench of talent and improve succession for an organization. At worst, it drains the organization of the energy needed as the real work of succession begins…following through on differentiated development.
The true value of succession is only realized when organizations differentiate the development of their talent based on the future needs of the organization and the aspirations and potential of the individual.
Our advisors are experienced facilitators with the capability to partner with you to bring your succession development to life. Customize development for ALL your people based on defined organizational needs and accurate assessment. Together, we transform succession from process to PRIORITY.